Growth & Development

Early life events, including nutrition, play a powerful role in programming a person’s development, metabolism and health for the future. This section covers all aspects of the importance of maternal nutrition in the first 1000 days including nutrition in pregnancy, epigenetics, metabolic programming, breastfeeding, growth & cognitive development and a lot more.

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The Nest Thumbnails - The Nest 53.jpg

The Nest 53: Complementary Feeding: What, When, How and Why

Infant feeding is a multifaceted process that extends beyond simply offering food. Complementary feeding is the process of giving foods that complement breastfeeding to be able to provide balanced, nutrient-dense options to be able to meet their high nutritional needs while preventing obesity. There are a lot to consider such as timing, perceptual complementary feeding, and the culture and family context. Typically, this begins at 4 to 6 months, when the baby exhibits signs of readiness. Age adapted foods, and encouraging the baby to try to feed themselves based on their oral motor skills

Learning to Eat Infographic

Learning to Eat: How Food Preferences and Eating Habits are Formed Early in Life

Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction: Insights, Causes and Management Teaser Image

Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction: Insights, Causes and Management

NNIW 100 Interviews: Elizabeth George Jacob

NNIW 100 Interviews: Elizabeth George Jacob

Elizabeth George Jacob
NNIW 100 Interviews: Andrew Prentice

NNIW 100 Interviews: Andrew Prentice

NNIW 100 Interviews: Eslam ElBaroudy

NNIW 100 Interviews: Eslam ElBaroudy

Eslam Elbaroudy
NNIW 100 Interviews: Marlou Lasschuijt

NNIW 100 Interviews: Marlou Lasschuijt

Marlou Lasschuijt
NNIW 100 Interviews: Bernadette Benitez

NNIW 100 Interviews: Bernadette Benitez

Bernadette Benitez
NNIW100 Shiao-Yng Chan

NNIW100 Interviews: Shiao-Yng Chan

Shiao-Yng Chan
NNIW100 Interview Ian

NNIW100 Interviews: Ian Macdonald

Ian A. Macdonald
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Midwife News Healthy For the Future! Vol. 3 - 2023